Thursday, February 15, 2007

Ok, now that that's done, we can talk.

First, a warning to anyone reading this - I don't plan to hold back much of anything. Some of what you read here may be upsetting in various ways, especially to any of you that are family members or loved ones.

If this concernes you, you may want to move on.. I post in several other places such as the kidney-onc List if you want to read my ramblings....

Otherwise, come on in....

My brain is fucked up. I can process out ok but input is hosed. I am facing trouble with reading and comprehension.. I am not only partially blind but have some confusion as well.

My thought process seems mostly ok aside from the occasional hiccup but please be patient with my spelling and logic.

What I've typed so far in this post. for example, has taken me about 20 minutes so far. Like I said, I'm all fucked up.

I don't know if my vision problems are permenant but it's starting to look that way. Time will tell.

Some that know me would be amused to know that one of the most distressing parts of this whole thing is that my computer gaming days may be at an end.

This with Vanguard having just released. (it's like World of Warcraft if you need a reference) All this and I'm crying cause I can barely play the video game I just bought.

If you spent as much cash as I have on computer hardware, you might cry too.

I'm needing a break now.. Will try to write more later.

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