Thursday, October 19, 2006

Here we go again...

Well, they took some more pictures on Oct. 11 and this time, I was sure all would be well. After all, in August, when I was so worried, the scans came out as good news - no progression.

This time, once again, they are showing growth. From 8mm in August to 12X14mm in October. This is not a good thing but I have to wonder..

Last March, they said the largest nodule was 8mm. In June they said it had grown to 12mm. That's when I became concerned.. In August, they said it was stable at 8mm.

WTF? So did it grow, then shrink, then grow again?

Or is there variance in how the machine catches the nodules. I've read that there are though I can't recall the technical explanation at the moment. Also there could be variance in the way the radiologist reads the scans.

So is it growing or not? Who the hell knows. I have to assume that it is.

Fun stuff...

I'll find out on the 23rd of Oct. what, if anything will be done this time. As much as I dread things like needle biopsies and surgery or treatment, I'm gonna go nuts if I have to wait and wonder for another 3 months.

Cancer sucks!

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