Wednesday, October 06, 2004

There seems to be an awful lot of people out there that just plain don't have a clue and can't be bothered to get one.

I'm another 911 Republican.. Before that I was pretty much apolitical.. Just another sheeple. It never seemed to make all that much difference who was in office as far as my little world was concerned.

That was then...

But since my new interest in politics, I often find myself amazed at how many seemingly intelligent people are out there that don't have even a basic idea of what's going on. Most say they are Democrats but can't even name the VP candidate. They are just going along with what seems popular in their social circles.

They will tell you that President Bush is evil because Bruce Springsteen says he is. Any questioning of the merits of a Kerry presidency is met with blank stares... Or, if they are not sleep-walking liberals then they are often of the "lets-just-nuke 'em- all" mentality. Never a thought beyond that.. just nuke 'em.

Yep, our country is filled with throngs of ignorant and clueless people. Even at my most apathetic, I don't think I was THAT bad..

Oh well, hopefully, most of them won't vote.

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